The world is such a beautiful place. Filled with different cultures and customs, every country speaks for itself and has a special and unique story to share with the world.

That’s why, today, we decided to take you on a mini-journey through different culinary cultures. There is much to learn from each one, and there are many new dishes to try out. We can add to our daily cooking habits in so many ways, making our kitchen a distinctive mixture of history and taste.

Let’s get into it.

Japanese culture is endlessly fascinating, but their cuisine is on another level. The Japanese pay close attention to every detail, making sure the dish is impeccable and delicious.

We are sure you have heard about their famous sushi, but dishes like miso soup and sukiyaki are common favorites in this beautiful country.

The Japanese love their rice and serve it both as a separate dish and as part of more complex dishes, like sushi and rice balls (onigiri), which are also common favorites.

They have many types of noodles, but their famous ramen is to die for. It is made in a meat or fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and topped with some sliced pork, nori, or scallions.

Seafood is a key component of many of their delicious dishes. They like to include it in sushi, sashimi, and different grilled or simmered preparations.

They also love to use soy and vegetables in their diet, which makes it super-healthy.

  • You Should Try Making

If you want to try making something from their cuisine, you can make okonomiyaki. This is a simple and tasty dish.


You just prepare the batter (with flour, water or dashi, eggs, salt, and baking powder) and add cabbage, green onions, meat, and seafood (optional).

You can cook it in a preheated pan, and you can top it with okonomiyaki sauce, mayonnaise, bonito flakes, and nori.


Chinese cuisine is one of the most diverse and flavorful culinary traditions in the world. You can try their sweet and sour pork or dumplings in any corner of the earth.

Some of the most commonly used ingredients in their cuisine are rice, noodles, and wheat-based products. They also love to mix sweet and sour tastes and have inspired many cuisines in different parts of Asia.

When the Silk Road was built, China was connected with the Middle East, Europe, and other parts of Asia. This led to a true discovery in the culinary world, since they could explore different spices and foods.

The Silk Road also helped spread fermentation techniques, leading to the development of soy sauce and fermented bean paste, both staples in the Chinese diet.

Dishes you absolutely need to try are the Peking duck, Kung Pao chicken, dumplings, and the hot pot.

  • You Should Try Making

Dumplings are a staple in Chinese cuisine, especially during the Chinese New Year. They are simple, easy to make, and delicious.


To make them, you need to prepare a filling by mixing ground pork with chopped vegetables, soy sauce, sesame oil, and seasonings. Then, put a spoonful of the filling in the center of a dumpling wrapper, moisten the edges with water, and fold and pleat to seal.

You can cook the dumplings by boiling, steaming, or pan-frying, then serve with dipping sauce. Enjoy!


The French definitely know how to enjoy life, and it reflects in their eating habits. Their croissants are exquisite, their baguettes are famous everywhere (rightfully so), and you can’t go wrong with a chocolate soufflé.

This cuisine is elegant and diverse, the ingredients are high-quality, and the French like to take their time and appreciate each meal.

Classic French sauces, like béchamel, hollandaise, and velouté, are the very foundation of many dishes and are used all around the globe.

France is famous for its variety of cheeses, like the soft and creamy Brie and the sharp Roquefort. If you want to eat some French food, not ordering French wine with it counts as a crime. Regions like Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne produce some of the world’s finest wines.

If you love desserts, you need to try their crème brûlée. Some common salty favorites are beef bourguignon (this is tender beef stewed in red wine with onions, carrots, mushrooms, and herbs), coq au vin, and bouillabaisse.

  • You Should Try Making

Fromage Fort is really easy to make (it only takes around 10 minutes), and if you like cheese, you’re gonna love it.


First, you can cut up some cheese and put it in a food processor, along with minced garlic, chopped herbs, and some black pepper. Add some white wine and blend it out until smooth. Let it sit until cool, and then serve it with crusty bread, crackers, or crudité vegetables. Bon appétit!


Italian cuisine is one of the most beloved and influential cuisines in the world. Their staple dishes are common favorites, and people of all nationalities enjoy a good spaghetti alla carbonara, risotto, or a good, old-fashioned pizza.

Italian cuisine is very simple, and the dishes often consist of only a few ingredients. That’s why chefs rely on high-quality and fresh ingredients to deliver when it comes to flavor.

Italian wines like Chianti, Barolo, and Prosecco complement meals perfectly and are loved and used everywhere. Coffee is also an important part of their culture, with an emphasis on espresso.

Italian desserts are diverse and decadent, ranging from classics like tiramisu, cannoli, and panna cotta to specialties like gelato, sfogliatelle, and zeppole.

Appetizers are an essential part of Italian meals. These can include cured meats like prosciutto and salami, cheeses like mozzarella and pecorino, marinated vegetables, olives, and bruschetta.

  • You Should Try Making

Spaghetti puttanesca is spaghetti with capers, olives, and anchovies. It originates from southern Italy.


Cook the spaghetti and heat up some olive oil. Add minced garlic, chopped anchovies, and red pepper flakes. Cook it for about two minutes and stir in some diced tomatoes (with their juices), olives, and capers.

Season it, and add the cooked spaghetti to the skillet with the sauce. Cook everything together until the pasta is evenly coated with the sauce.

Buon appetito!


Indian cuisine is heavily influenced by tradition. Hinduism and Islam play a big role in the lives of Indians, and it reflects in their food customs.

Throughout history, India has been affected by invasions, trade relations, and colonialism. These events have introduced new ingredients and spices to Indian cuisine.

Old Indian recipes are very healthy, and their dishes are very diverse, with a ton of different flavors and aromas. They like to prepare and experience food as a form of bonding.

Indian cuisine varies significantly from region to region, with each region having its own distinct flavors, ingredients, and cooking techniques. The biggest characteristics of their food are bold, strong flavors, and a ton of spices.

They love to use cumin, coriander, turmeric, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, and chili powder.

India also has a long history of vegetarianism, and they have plenty of tasty vegetarian dishes. Lentils, legumes, vegetables, and dairy products like paneer (Indian cheese) are real staples of vegetarian cooking. However, non-vegetarian dishes also play an important role in their diet, especially in northern India.

  • You Should Try Making

Matar paneer is made with peas, tomato sauce, and cottage cheese. Here’s how to make it:

Heat up some oil and fry cubes of paneer (Indian cottage cheese) until they are golden brown.


Remove and set them aside. In the same pan, sauté chopped onions, ginger, and garlic until the onions turn golden. Add pureed tomatoes, turmeric, red chili powder, coriander powder, and garam masala, cooking until the oil separates from the masala.

Add green peas and a bit of water, and cook them until they are tender. Finally, stir in the fried paneer, simmer for a few minutes, and enjoy!


Mexican cuisine is vibrant, diverse, and deeply rooted in native and Spanish cooking traditions. Mexicans also love bold flavors, aromatic spices, and very diverse ingredients.

They love to use corn, beans, tomatoes, avocados, chili peppers, and different herbs and spices.

Each region has its own specialty. For example, Oaxaca is known for its mole sauces, while the Yucatán Peninsula is famous for its use of citrus and achiote in dishes like cochinita pibil.

They use corn in everything, as much as the Japanese use rice. Tacos, tamales, and enchiladas are some of their most iconic dishes.

  • You Should Try Making

Tacos are the most popular Mexican dish. You can put anything you want on a corn taco, but the most common fillings in Mexico are beef steak, flank steak, chorizo, and pork.


First, you need to cook up some beef (for around 10 minutes, in a pan) and then stir up some salsa into the pan. Cook this for five minutes, with occasional stirring.

Then heat up your corn tacos and fill each one with the filling. Add some toppings on top (like diced onions, cilantro, shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, and cheese) and love your life.


There you have it. We hope you enjoyed thisinternational culinary journey with us so far. Are you feeling inspired to travel? You can see more here to help you plan for your next foodie trip.

If you’re thinking about trying out some cuisines, think about what you like. If you like a clean and simple dish and you’re a fan of seafood, give sushi a try. And if you love spicy food, Indian or Mexican is the way to go.

Food has always been a source of pleasure, and it is closely tied to tradition everywhere. The French spend two hours and 13 minutes a day on eating and drinking (twice as long as Americans), believing we should invest our time in enjoying life and having a good time.

All around the world, different meals are prepared for different holidays, and food becomes a big part of us coming together and celebrating.

There are many more culinary cultures than we covered today, and maybe this gives you an idea of how to explore further.

Nonetheless, there is much to learn from every country, and learning more about their different diets can help us both explore our horizons and find what we like best.

Happy eating and happy exploring!


Jenny has always been interested in food and cooking. She grew up in a family where meals were made from scratch and food was always celebrated. After college, Jenny began working in restaurants and catering. She soon realized that she wanted to help people cook at home more often. In 2016, Jenny started Nourish as a way to share her love of simple and nourishing food. Jenny's recipes are all inspired by her own experiences with food allergies and sensitivities. She knows how hard it can be to find recipes that are both delicious and safe to eat, so she creates recipes that everyone can enjoy. If you're looking for recipes that are easy to make and good for you, then you've come to the right place! Jenny's recipes are all tested and proven to be both delicious and nutritious.