Everyone goes through anxiety once in a lifetime. According to preliminary data, about 260 million people across the world suffer from anxiety disorder. So, combating anxiety is a top goal for mental health counselors as well as anxiety sufferers. Luckily, experts have listed down some simple steps that can help anxiety-prone people. By following these steps, they can prevent and minimize anxiety from surfacing. Before we throw ample light on them, let’s first discuss what anxiety is and what causes this medical condition.

What is Anxiety?

Simply put, anxiety is a natural reaction of your body and mind to stressful situations. As per the Jefferson Center clinician, Kathy Baur, “Stress is anything that presents a threat to your well-being.” This threat could be psychological, emotional, or physical. Based on that, people have different responses.

Anxiety can be an emotional response, like worry or anger; a physiological response, like sweating or heavy breathing; and a behavioral response, such as a change in sleeping and eating habits. In most of the cases, the event that sparks anxiety is not permanent. There are some natural ways of combating stress and anxiety. To your surprise, CBD, THC, and other vaping devices and products like a THCA flower can also cure anxiety. That is why their use is increasing with every passing day.

What Causes Anxiety

A number of factors are responsible for anxiety disorder. Difficult experiences in the past, current problems in life, drug overdosing, financial concerns, social isolation, and lack of access to mental health support etc. are the primary causes of anxiety. Based on the originating factor, it impacts people differently.

Learning to combat stressful, difficult conditions is imperative in order to maintain good mental well-being. The section below lists some easy steps that will help you approach anxiety with the most effective response.

Easy Steps to Cope with Anxiety

Here are some of the best and easiest steps to conquer anxiety disorder:

1: Know Your Warning Signs

Almost everyone experiences anxiety for one reason or another. However, how people experience and respond to it varies based on their genetics, personality, and past experiences. This can either be a rapid heart rate, trembling hands, sweaty palms, chest tightness, racing thoughts, or feeling restless.

Besides that, the things that provoke anxiety disorder are not the same in different people. For one, it can be a demanding job. And for another, it may be alcohol or smoking. So, the first step is to identify your warning signs and unique triggers. Knowing this will help you understand when you take a step back and tackle the situation.

2: Practice Deep Breathing

Ground exercises are the most common and effective technique to calm anxious thoughts and reconnect the mind to the body. Experts like Baur suggest deep breathing exercises whenever one notices anxiety is surfacing.


For this, breathe in through your nose, count to five, then breathe out through your nose and count to five. Keep on doing this exercise for five minutes until you feel better and relaxed.

3: Practice Mindfulness

In anxious and stressful conditions, it feels like you are losing control. Mindfulness and awareness are the best tools to manage your emotions and regain some of the control. Activities such as meditation and yoga provide a proven solution. They focus on self-soothing and provide anxiety relief.

In case you are in a space where you cannot move your body or meditate, check in by counting down your five senses. It is recommended to repeat this process a couple of times before you feel better.

4: Exercise is a Must

Exercise is a heaven-sent solution to manage mental and emotional health problems, such as anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. Invest at least half an hour in aerobic exercises five times a week. This will burn off stress hormones like cortisol and improve your mood.

Your exercise should include a combination of dancing, cycling, walking, hiking, biking, running, or anything else that you like doing. This will help release built-up energy.

5: Have Deep Sleep

Having quality sleep is crucial for your mental as well as physical wellness. It is a time for your body and recharge and unwind each day. Not having enough or quality sleep negatively impacts your performance at school or work, enhances your risk of injury, and saddens your mood.

Furthermore, you are more vulnerable to health problems, such as heart disease, diabetes, and obesity. So, quality sleep is not only vital for your physical health but also your mental wellbeing. Adding a time for mental wind-down, exercise into your routine and brief mindfulness activities helps you get a quick and quality sleep every night.

6: Seek a Healthy Distraction

When you are suffering from anxiety, you feel occupied. It becomes difficult to think about anything else. But seeking a healthy distraction gives your brain something else to indulge in. It gives you some time away from your discouraging and stressful thoughts.


Experts recommend activities like listening to music, journaling, talking with friends, playing with a pet, praying to take your mind off things, and pursuing a creative hobby.

7: Be Optimistic

Be optimistic in every situation because it broadens your horizon. The power of gratitude and humor are beyond words as far as managing symptoms of anxiety is concerned. Those who are negative may find the situation worse. Because negativity distorts reality and darkens the overview.

On the other hand, laughter abates the levels of stress hormones and enhances the level of endorphins in the body. Further, humor is greatly helpful for retaining your sense of power. So, focus on positive things in life and enjoy what is right in your life. Being grateful for good things is a step in the right direction to addressing anxiety.

Key Takeaways

Anxiety differs from person to person based on experiences, genetics, and personality. Although coping with anxiety is not an easy task, it is possible to conquer it as long as you are ready to take small steps. The steps we have outlined above in this blog. Following these steps will progressively work to overcome this menace. It takes practice to overcome anxiety. If your condition worsens, make sure to consult a doctor.


Grandma Elle is well-known for her commitment to healthy cooking. She believes that good food should be made not only with delicious ingredients but also with sustainability in mind. Grandma Elle’s food is focused on whole grains, fresh vegetables, nutritious proteins and of course, lots of love!